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Native American workshops
Coming soon!

Understanding the medicine wheel

Understanding the Medicine Wheel is the basis for understanding the wisdom of the First nations.


The workshop shows you how to create a Medicine Wheel in various formats and learn how to use these for rituals.


This is a two part workshop.


Native American tools such as the Cycles of Truth chart can be used to look at ways of making decisions.


In the 1st section, you will intuitively find your colours and make your Rainbow.


In section 2, we will draw your medicine sheild and fill in the colours.


Cost £37.

Part 2 Pathway to peace

Native American tools such as the Cycles of Truth chart can be used to look at ways of making decisions. 


Part two looks at what the chart you have created means.


The rainbow created in the first workshop is the basis of the reading.


Readings for Cycles of Truth cost £119 and you get a medicine shield pdf emailed to you to print off, and a chart reading via zoom.

Pathway to Peace
Part 1 - Finding your personal rainbow
Finding your Personal rainbow
Pathway to peace
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